Jakarta, January 27, 2023 - The Indonesian Export Financing Institution (LPEI) / Indonesia Eximbank continues to drive the development of the creative industry to become stronger in the global arena. This is manifested through the provision of Special Export Assignment (PKE) financing facilities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Riyani Tirtoso, Executive Director of LPEI, stated that the craft sector is one of the focuses of PKE for SMEs because it has high potential value and can make a significant contribution to the country's foreign exchange. "This special assignment is expected to address challenges and ensure the export activities of craft SMEs. We will intensively support its implementation so that Indonesian handicraft products can quickly spread their wings internationally," said Riyani Tirtoso.
PT Pearland, an SME engaged in porcelain handicrafts, is one of the businesses that experienced a downturn due to the pandemic. The global economic uncertainty threatened the business continuity and the fate of employees, even forcing PT Pearland to temporarily halt its operations for several months. "In 2020, we had to close and lay off all employees," said Budi Purnomo Otto, the CEO of PT Pearland.
Alongside the efforts of the government to revive business activities, PT Pearland began receiving orders from buyers and gradually reopened its export gate to the United States in the middle of 2020.
In 2022, PT Pearland was one of the businesses that benefited from the PKE financing facility for SMEs to maintain export sustainability. This facility was aimed at addressing the barriers faced by PT Pearland in conducting exports and helping to retain employment for workers amidst the threat of global recession.
According to Budi, the financing provided by LPEI has had a positive impact on PT Pearland's business activities. He believes that the facility has been instrumental in operating the business more effectively in terms of cost.
During his visit to the PT Pearland factory in Boyolali, Central Java, Dolfie O.F.P., Vice Chairman of the XI Commission of the Indonesian Parliament, emphasized the government's presence through LPEI in supporting Indonesian SMEs. "We, as the XI Commission, always support the government's efforts in developing the business world, especially those oriented towards exports, as it can strengthen the competitiveness of our products and our economy," said Dolfie O.F.P.
Appreciation was also given to Budi as the CEO of PT Pearland. "We see here, Mr. Budi is extraordinary. Despite the ups and downs, he has managed to sustain his business through his own strength and independence. We hope that LPEI's presence can continue to synergize and strengthen the business of Indonesian SME entrepreneurs. That is our hope," expressed Dolfie O.F.P.
PT Pearland is an SME that has been established since 1987. The products produced are porcelain and resin figurines that require handcrafting skills, and the company has employed 466 workers. The handicrafts have successfully gone global, with full sales to various major buyers in the United States. PT Pearland is the only manufacturer of figurine dolls in Indonesia that competes fiercely with products made in China.
The owners of PT Pearland are a Japanese and Central Javanese couple who not only focus on financial success but also have a concern for improving the welfare of the surrounding community. PT Pearland has implemented various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the field of religion and environmental preservation that align with the needs of the local community.
Media Contact:
Chesna F. Anwar Corporate Secretary - Indonesian Export Financing Institution
Ph.: (021) 39503600